Malmesbury League of Friends & The Rotary Club of the South Cotsolds join forces to buy asthma machine for Malmesbury Primary Care Centre
Malmesbury League of Friends (MLOF) and the Rotary Club of the South Cotswolds (RCSC) have joined forces to purchase a special machine to treat asthma for patients at the Malmesbury Primary Care Centre (MPCC).
This followed a donation from RCSC, which closed earlier this year. It decided to make a donation of £4,000 from its charity fund and approached MLOF for advice on the best way to use this money.
MLOF trustees include two doctors at MPCC, who advised that the donation could be used to purchase a special machine to help manage asthma patients. The FeNO testing machine measures the level of nitrous oxide in the exhaled breath and provides an indication of inflammation in the lungs. There are approximately 1,200 asthma patients registered at MPCC.
Dr James Hanslip, a MLOF trustee at MPCC said: “This machine will enable us to make much improved diagnosis and management of asthma. We are extremely grateful to RCSC for this very generous donation.”
Peter Wyman from RCSC, said: “We were very sorry when the club had to close earlier this year after so long. But, in providing the funds from our charity account to purchase this machine, which will help so many patients, we are delighted that a part of our remaining funds has been put to such good use.”
MLOF chairman David Hide commented: “Our primary objective is always to provide items of medical equipment for MPCC that can otherwise be difficult to access locally. So we were delighted to have worked with RCSC in this way.”
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