Order a Prescription

Order a Prescription


For a medication that you’ve had before but is not on your repeat, please send a written request via the NHS App. Select the ‘non-repeat prescription’ button and type in your request.

Please note these requests need to be reviewed by a clinician before they can be issued, so they may take longer than when you order a usual repeat medication. Sometimes, you may need to speak to a clinician before the medication can be issued. In this case, we will contact you to arrange an appointment.

NHS Online

If you don’t have a smartphone but have access to the internet via a PC or laptop, you can sign up for an NHS online account and order medication via this link: https://www.nhsapp.service.nhs.uk/login


If you use SystmOnline you can continue to do so. Click here to log in.


POD (Prescription Ordering Direct)

You can request an acute medication using the Prescription Ordering Direct (POD) phoneline on 0333 332 0050 between 9am – 5pm every week day.

Please note the POD service is due to close by June 2024, to find out more about what will happen next please click here.

My Medication isn’t Showing on the App

If your repeat medication is not showing on your app is could be for one of the following reasons;

  • It is too soon to re-order your medication
  • You are due a medication review
  • You have not had the medication for some time

It is unlikely that your repeats have been removed from your record. If you cannot see your medications please call 01666 825825 so we can arrange for your to have a medication review. We can usually issue enough medication to last you until your review if this is needed.

Medication Reviews

If you need a medication review please call 01666 825825 and select option ‘1’. Our Patient Advisers can book you a telephone consultation with one of our Clinical Pharmacists for the review.

Please remember to have any regular medication monitoring you have been asked for, such as blood tests and blood pressure checks. This enables us to safely prescribe your medication.

Urgent Prescriptions

Please ensure you order your medication with plenty of time. If you have forgotten to order, or have not ordered on time, you can request an urgent prescription by calling 111 or click here to use the online NHS 111 emergency prescriptions form. They will provide a limited issue to last you until your repeats can be issued.