PPG Minutes 9 December 2019

Malmesbury Medical Partnership


Minutes of the meeting held on Monday December 9th 2019 at 19.00hrs

Present: Ces Smith (Vice Chair), Margaret Perrin (Secretary) Jennifer Walker, Frank Soden, Miriam Nicholls, Roger Lee. Denise Richards, Shayne Smith, Tracy Doel, Dave Grogan, Elisabeth Cheshire, Tracy Doel, Allistair Knight, Diane Vincent

Apologies: Marion Burfield.

Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by: Shayne Smith Seconded: Miriam Nicholls

No matters were arising from the minutes of the last meeting.

Ces Smith (Vice chair ) chaired the meeting in the absence of Marion Burfield who could not attend the meeting.

The new paramedic Helen Dunford who has recently joined the practice and who has 20yrs experience as a paramedic gave a short talk on her role within the practice.

Helen explained that when a patient telephones the surgery and requests a home visit the receptionist would put the request down on the home visit list, Helen would pick the request up and she would liaise with the duty doctor who would make the decision of who will attend the patient.

At present Helen is seeing around six patients a day depending on location, which frees up the doctors time, which enables them to spend more time with their patients and to catch up on their paperwork.

Surgery News:

Jackie Williams a practice nurse retired at the end of November; however two new members of staff will join the nursing team in January 2020: Alison Cole who is a specialist nurse and will be focusing on chronic disease management e.g. Asthma COPD and Diabetes. Harriet Fletcher who is currently with the Malmesbury Community Team will Join as a Practice Nurse and support all areas of the team.

Doctor Link is a new electronic system which can be accessed on the practice website and can also be downloaded free on app store. This is a stand alone system; the only requirement needed to access this system is that you are a registered patient at the surgery.

Doctor Link is an online clinically approved symptom checker which is easy to use and gives you 24/7 access to trusted medical advice and GP services.

For more information visit www.doctorlink.com or pick up a leaflet from the surgery.

Other areas of concern:

Boots: No action required

Daytime meetings: The general consensus of the group was that we keep the meetings as they are at present. It was felt that changing from an evening meeting to a daytime meeting would have a profound affect on parking at the surgery. A member of the group felt that those members who work during the day would not be able to attend daytime meetings.

A member of the group had requested information on Diabetes Education at a previous meeting and had heard nothing to date. Dave to action.

Dave informed the group that he would be retiring from the practice in August 2020.

Dave has informed Denise that he will include the information she had given him on the Mental Health and wellbeing group on the Surgeries website.

Meeting closed 7.50PM

Margaret Perrin


Proposed meeting dates for 2020

10th February

13th April

8th June

10th August AGM

12th October

7th December