Malmesbury Medical Partnership
Patients Participation Group
Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 3rd June at 19.00hrs
Present: Ces Smith (Vice Chair), Margaret Perrin (Secretary) Jennifer Walker, Frank Soden,
Miriam Nicholls. Denise Richards. Shayne Smith. Allastair Knight Dave Grogan
Apologies: Marion Burfield. Elisabeth Cheshire. Roger Lee. Tracy Doel.
Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by: Frank Soden. Seconded: Jennifer Walker.
No matters were arising from the minutes of the last meeting.
Ces Smith (Vice chair) chaired the meeting in the absence of Marion Burfield who could not attend the meeting.
The Vice chair opened the meeting by welcoming everyone.
Surgery News:
New GPs joining the team.
The replacement for Peter Torrance who is leaving in July will be Dr Thomas Winwood who is rejoining the practice on a part time basis. Interviews are also ongoing for a second GP to cover some of Dr Torrance and other doctors sessions.
Dr Neale has reduced her appointment sessions by one and Dr Petit has also reduced his sessions by two.
Primary Care Networks. National Policy:
The practice is participating in the Primary Care network which enables a greater provision and more integrated health and social care which provides benefits for patients but also clinicians across our area. The practice also plan to use paramedics more, as prompt home visits led by paramedics have increased the number of patients that can be managed at home freeing up doctors house calls. The PCN initiative was rolled out in April 2019 , part of which should mean appointments can be shared between practices and also the out of hours services , however this element is not fully operational as there is currently no IT solution for practices and other partners to easily view the availability of them at an operational level.
Areas of Discussion:
Blood Tests:
A member of the group highlighted the fact that it is difficult to get an appointment for a blood test. Dave informed them there should not normally be any greater difficulty, but perhaps staff leave /sickness might have played a part when the member was asking? Indeed there has recently been an increase in that the team of phlebotomists who work flat out as they have to get as many patients blood samples as possible before 11AM as the bloods are collected from the surgery at 11.15AM. The centrifugal machine, which was on loan to the surgery, and was trialled to help with the appointment system was returned owing to the fact that there were too many incorrect results and quite a few patients were asked to re test which caused problems at the surgery.
The discussion then went on to discuss how patients seen at hospitals other than the RUH can obtain blood results for when they are seen at the respective outpatients. Although they can get the details from the surgery (either verbally over the phone, or calling in for a print out) Dave strongly recommended that patients register onto the practice Online service (systmonline) which as well as being able to book appointments, order repeat meds they can also have the option to view results. Patients can get details from reception or the website.
On Site Parking:
A member highlighted the problems regarding parking at the surgery. Dave informed the group that he had restricted meetings at the surgery during busy periods to ease parking.
There are 96 parking spaces on site. The road is the responsibility of “The Order of St John Community Trust” they are the owners and this means that the practice is unable to police or control issues with parking on the main road.
A member asked if there were any training – advisory courses in our area for type 1 diabetes for both patients and their families.
Dave to investigate. for further information
Meeting closed at 7.40PM.
Dates of the next meetings:
12th August AGM to be confirmed.
7th October
9th December