
Pain Concern: Self-Management Navigator Tool

Chronic pain impacts more than just the body. We know that for people living with pain, raising concerns about wider aspects of health in appointments with their health-care professional is not always easy and their concerns and worries do not always feel relevant. Doctors can also find it difficult to introduce wider issues around pain during routine appointments. Our research shows how exploring wider aspects of pain can benefit people’s ability to self-manage their pain.

Action for Happiness

The mission of Action for Happiness is to promote a happier world, through a culture that prioritises happiness and kindness.

We do this by helping people get together regularly (face-to-face where possible) to learn evidence-based skills for happier living, feel a sense of belonging and commit to personal action to create more happiness, both for themselves and others.

We have no religious, political or commercial affiliations and welcome people of all faiths (or none) and all parts of society. Members of the movement make a simple pledge: to try to create more happiness in the world. 

Wiltshire IAPT

Wiltshire IAPT have been providing psychological services to the people of Wiltshire for the past 20 years and pioneered Primary Care Psychology services within the country. They offer a high quality service that includes traditional IAPT interventions and continue to innovate to better meet the needs of their clients.

woman in black sleeveless dress standing under green tree during daytime

A guide to tai chi – NHS

All you need to know about tai chi, including the health benefits, different styles and getting started.

What is tai chi?
Tai chi, also called tai chi chuan, combines deep breathing and relaxation with flowing movements.

Flippin’ Pain

Flippin’ Pain TM takes a community engagement approach to raising awareness of the impact of persistent pain and providing people with a better understanding of the science behind why we hurt. We bring pain science to the people who need it most in a way that is accessible, engaging, and relevant. Inspired by and aligned with the ground-breaking Pain Revolution movement in Australia, we are.

Living Well Despite Your Pain

My Live Well with Pain us for people who are living with persistent pain. It’s completely free to use and full of trusted techniques that people have found useful in helping them get on with their lives – despite their pain.

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Functional Neurological Disorder (FND):

FND describes neurological symptoms like limb weakness, tremor, numbness or blackouts, related to the movement and sensation parts of the nervous system…..

Body Reprogramming

Who is body reprogramming for?

Some patients have multiple symptoms, for example, widespread pain, fatigue, mental fog, stomach problems, poor sleep, and sensitivity to bright lights and noise. Often, when they seek help from a doctor they are not provided with a clear explanation for their symptoms. Some patients are given a diagnosis such as central sensitivity syndrome, or medical unexplained symptoms or fibromyalgia. Other patients have multiple diagnoses, for example, fibromyalgia with irritable bowel syndrome. These diagnoses can be confusing and often raise more questions than answers. Patients will often say that their doctor seems to know as little about the condition as they themselves.

Body reprogramming is for those patients with a long-term condition, such as central sensitivity syndrome or fibromyalgia and are seeking to understand this condition better.

Policy & Advice for Working with Arthritis or MSK Condition

Boom and bust cycle – Sheffield Aches and Pains

Pain can affect how you do everyday activities. It’s very common to fall into an unhelpful trap of ‘boom and bust’ patterns, where on days with less pain you find yourself saying: “I must get this, that and even this done before pain increases again.”

Self Help Leaflets

Our self help guides are available to download in several formats. Information available on Abuse, Alcohol, Anxiety, Bereavement, Controlling Anger, Depression, Domestic Violence, Eating Disorders, Hearing Voices, Obsessions and Compulsions, Panic, Post Traumatic Stress, Postnatal Depression, Self Harm, Shyness, Social Anxiety, Sleeping Problems and Stress.

Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust (