The Medical Team

Duty doctor

Each day a doctor takes on the role of “Duty Doctor”. They are available to deal with the emergencies of the day. The duty doctor also deals with urgent telephone enquires and undertakes emergency visits during surgery hours.

Duty team

Not all patients need, or want to make an appointment to see a GP. Often they require advice on minor medical conditions or symptoms. Patients seeking such advice should ask to speak to the Duty team. The Duty team service is quick and often more convenient for our patients.

They can speak to the team on the phone and if necessary come in. The Duty team nurse works closely with the Duty doctor and can refer to them if appropriate. The duty team will be able to decide on the most appropriate course of action to assist you.

This may be advice over the telephone, a clinic appointment for that day, an appointment in a specialist clinic, a routine appointment or an appointment in the duty doctor’s surgery that day.

Nursing Team

If you are troubled by something and are not sure whether to bother the doctor speak to a practice nurse who may be able to help.

The surgery has a team of highly trained and experienced practice nurses who can help and give advice on a range of chronic conditions and health promotion. Each of our nurses specialises in particular areas of health and works closely with your doctor to make sure you get the best possible help and advice for specific conditions.

To complement the Practice nurses we are also very fortunate to have a team of Health Care Assistants who are able to assist the nurses to perform a wide range of treatment room procedures.